Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advent 2

Today begins the second week in Advent. Advent is the time of year when we prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as a baby in the manger and as the King of Kings, Lord of Lords who will come again to judge the quick and the dead. Are you preparing yourself, your household, your church for Christ's coming?

This morning in worship at Centerville UMC we will be studying the gospel of Mark Chapter 1, take a look at the Advent hymn, People Look East and see how scripture and hymnody intersect with John the Baptist's call for repentance and baptism.  Most importantly, it is my prayer that we all experience the presence of God in our worship time together.

Rev. Michael Slaughter, pastor of Ginghamsburg Church in Ginghamsburg, Ohio, posted a remark on Facebook that reminds me of the importance of celebrating a Holy Advent in the midst of a culture that wants to jump immediately to the commercial aspect of Christmas. "Getting ready for Christmas and getting ready for Jesus are two different things." How are you preparing spiritually for the coming of Jesus?

If you are sick of Christmas by the December 25th, you haven't done Advent right.......

 People Look East! Kathy

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your reminder of advent today. I enjoyed your sermon. I like your picture here too. Come check out my blog~

